The silhouetted branches of trees reach outward into a dark. teal-blue tinted sky full of stars.

Earth Analects

These chapbooks bring together voices as part of the Constellation Project, exploring the spiritual and emotional dimensions of our destruction of Nature and the ecological and global health crises that destruction is precipitating.

The Wings of Herons

Dear Friends, 

Please accept this offering of essays born out of this moment of darkness and light. We recognize and honor your commitment to the inner and outer lives of your community.  

We hope these words might spark ideas and meaningful conversations. 

This chapbook published in the spirit of Albert Camus is the first in a constellation of stories to come. 

In Solidarity,
Terry Tempest Williams and Sam Myers 


  • Believe, Terry Tempest Williams 11
  • The Story of Now, Samuel S. Myers 25
  • The Time of Stars, Charles M. Stang 35

Photographs by Sharon Harper

Decolonial Dames of America


  • An Awakening, Terry Tempest Williams 11
  • Decolonial Dames of America, Morgan Curtis 13
  • Alchemy of Atonement: A Prayer, brontë velez 33
  • Truth Telling, Melissa Wood Bartholomew 37

Today is Also the Day of Creation


  • DewDrops, Terry Tempest Williams 11
  • Today is Also the Day of Creation, Rebecca Solnit 17