Antonio Saraiva

Antonio Saraiva

Steering Committee

Head of the Planetary Health Brazil at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo

António M Saraiva has been involved in transdisciplinary research for more than 30 years, bridging computing engineering, agriculture, biodiversity, environment and health. He has created and led pioneer research groups in Brazil on agricultural automation, on biodiversity and computing, and on planetary health.

António is the head of the Planetary Health Brazil, hosted at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo (USP), that brings together members from various Brazilian institutions. He has been representing USP in the Planetary Health Alliance since USP joined PHA, in early 2016, and is currently a member of PHA steering committee. He was the chairman of PHAM 2021.

He is a member of the Connecting Climate Minds advisory board, a co-PI at the USP/IBM Center for Artificial Intelligence, and at three National Institutes on Science and Technology: Fighting Hunger, Pollination, and Citizen Science. He coordinates the USP node of the University Blockchain Research Initiative, UBRI, funded by Ripple. He is a member of the steering committees of the GO FAIR agro and GO FAIR biodiversity initiatives on FAIR data in Brazil.

Antonio’s current work and interests span several areas of Planetary Health, including: 1. Pollination and pollinators, with a focus on plant-pollination interaction data; 2. OpenScience and FAIR data; 3. Citizen science; 4. Decision support methodologies and tools to fight dengue; 5. Decision support methodologies and tools for sustainable agriculture and for mitigating hunger using data science and AI; 6. Use of blockchain to foster transparency, traceability and new businesses in agriculture, biodiversity and health;

Antonio has degrees in both Electrical Engineering and Agronomy from University of São Paulo, a Master and Ph.D. in Electric Engineering, also from USP, with a focus in IT applied to agriculture and the environment. He has been a faculty member at USP since 1989, and has served in many positions, including vice-provost for research. He has been a full professor since 2008. He has also served other national and international organizations such as the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES – task group on knowledge and data), UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s Consortium of Scientific Partners, Biodiversity Information Standards/TDWG, FAO (Global Pollination Project), and the International Commission on Agricultural Engineering / CIGR, .