The Planetary Health Alliance, in partnership with the Woods Institute for the Environment and the Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford University, co-hosted this convening of leading researchers and policymakers in the emerging Planetary Health space.
The conference brought together nearly 500 in-person attendees from over 40 countries–over half of which were low and middle-income countries–on traditional Ramaytush Ohlone land. 46 virtual watch parties across 16 countries also participated remotely. PHA’s network showcased their groundbreaking work, gained insight into strategies to advance Planetary Health at their home institutions, and inspired and equipped the next generation of scholars and practitioners to take on Planetary Health challenges.
Designed to be accessible to a broad swath of the Planetary Health community, the conference engaged investigators, teachers, practitioners, policymakers, and influencers with the aim of expanding the Planetary Health community across disciplines, sectors, and geographies. It was truly a galvanizing, skills-building, collaboration-forming, and informative event.
View recordings on PHA’s YouTube Channel and the Summary Report on Stanford Medicine’s website!
See Also

PRECONFERENCE DAY - Wednesday, September 4 | |
Main Program | Title and Description |
Planetary Health Alliance Membership Meeting: Samuel Myers (Planetary Health Alliance) | |
Concurrent Satellites | (1) Higher Education for a Healthy Future: Creating a Competency Framework for Planetary Health: Led by Carlos Alberto Faerron Guzmán (Interamerican Center for Global Health - CISG), Co-facilitators: Jonathan Patz (University of Wisconsin) and Teddie Potter (University of Minnesota) |
(2) High-Impact Initiatives to Save the Planet and Ourselves: Led and moderated by Keith Martin, President, Consortium of Universities in Global Health, Presenters: Jonathan Patz (University of Wisconsin), Jeni Miller (Climate and Health Alliance), Philip Landrigan (Boston College), Jennifer Lane (UC Davis) | |
(3) Building a Planetary Health Regional Hub: Led by Sandeep Maharaj (University of the West Indies) | |
A Taste of California |
DAY 1 - Thursday, September 5 | |
Main Program | Title and Description |
Plenary | Welcoming Remarks from Michele Barry (Director, Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health), Persis Drell (Provost, Stanford Woods Institute), Chris Field (Director, Stanford Woods Institute), Sam Myers (Director, Planetary Health Alliance) |
Plenary | Cities and the Planet: How Urban Ecosystems Impact the Planet Led by Jo Ivey Boufford (NYU), Moderator: Michele Barry (Stanford), Panelists: Anna Dyson (Yale), John Rossant (NewCities), Olga Sarmiento (Los Andes University), David Vlahov (Yale) |
Plenary Interview | Conversation: Mental Health Impacts of Climate and Environmental Change: Interlocutor: Britt Wray (BBC, CBC), Vikram Patel (Harvard), Helen Berry (University of Sydney) |
Keynote: Christine Loh (Former Undersecretary for the Environment; Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) | China's Bay Area: How Politics, Policy and Business Intersect to Influence the Future of the Environment Christine Loh (Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) |
Plenary | Can the Private Sector Drive Change? Led by Katherine Burke (Stanford), Moderator: Alicia Seiger (Stanford), Panelists: Robert Strand (UC Berkeley), Gretchen Daily (Stanford), and John Fullterton (Capital Institute) |
Presentation | Planetary Health Alliance Case Studies Series Presenter: Hilary Duff (Planetary Health Alliance) |
Plenary | Lightning Talks: 6 great ideas in 3 minutes each Emcee: Steve Luby (Stanford), Presenters: Kristie Ebi (University of Washington), Valerie Stull (University of Wisconsin), Songhee Han (Stanford), Enrique Barros (World Organization of Family Doctors), Cristina Tato (CZI Biohub) |
Plenary | Mobilizing a Planetary Health Movement Led by Sam Myers (Harvard), Moderator: Courtney Howard (CAPE), Panelists: Bill McKibben (350.org), Zoe Cina-Sklar (Sunrise Movement), Sandy Naranjo (Mothers Out Front), Emmanuela Shinta (YOUTH ACT) |
Concurrent Workshops | (A) Restructuring Universities to Support Planetary Health: Led by Steve Luby (Stanford), Moderator: Jonathan Patz (Universtiy of Wisconsin), Panelists: Rebekah Brown (Monash University), Patricia Conrad (UC Davis), Ann Kurth (Yale), Lucy Shapiro (Stanford) |
(B) System Acupuncture: Addressing the Complexity in Planetary Wellbeing: Banny Banerjee (Stanford) | |
(C) Rock Your Interview, Nail Your Pitch: communications for change in Planetary Health: Led by Courney Howard (CAPE), Facilitators: Patralekha Chatterjee (Journalist), James Fahn (Earth Journalism Network), Denesha Brar (Wellcome Trust), Seema Jasmin (Stanford), Ramesh Bhushal (Internews) | |
(D) Becoming a Planetary Health Professional: TheoryEducation-Practice: Led by Teddie Potter (University of Minnesota), Panelists: Paul Auerbach (Stanford), Enrique Barros (World Organization of Family Doctors), Ann Kurth (Yale), Nathaniel Uchtmann (UCSF), Donald Warne (University of North Dakota) | |
(E) Meet Google Earth Engine: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis at Scale: Presenter: Stace Maples (Stanford) | |
Poster Reception | |
Student Gathering at The Treehouse |
DAY 2 - Friday, September 6 | |
Main Program | Title and Description |
Opening Remarks | |
Plenary | Food Connects Land and Sea: Integrating Oceans into the Future of Food: Led by Michelle Tigchelaar (Stanford), Moderator: Rosamond Naylor (Stanford), Panelists: Samuel Myers (PHA), Shakuntala Thilsted (WorldFish), Ling Cao (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Jorge Torre (Comunidad y Biodiversidad) |
Plenary | Lightning Talks: 6 great ideas in 3 minutes each • Emcee: Elizabeth Grant (University of Edinburgh) • Presenters: Beatrice Akinyi Otieno (Millennium Water Alliance), Anika Abedin and Jashika Nirmalan (Brunel University), Ann Kurth (Yale), Divya Velguri (Harvard), John Ji (Duke Kunshan University), Mikaela Patrick (STEMA) |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | (1) Compound Disaster Risks of Climate Change: Led by Joy Shumake-Guillemot (WHO/ WMO Joint Office Climate and Health) and Kristie L. Ebi (University of Washington) |
(2) Putting Women at the Forefront of Planetary Health Solutions: Led by David Lopez-Carr (UC Santa Barbara), Moderator: Ndola Prata (UC Berkeley), Panelists: Alisha Graves (UC Berkeley), Kristen Patterson (Population Reference Bureau), Clive Mutunga (USAID), Jackline Nakajubi (Pathfinder International Uganda), Suzanne York (Transition Earth), Denise Dunning (RiseUp) | |
(3) Communities, Justice, and Living Systems: Connections for a Healthy and Thriving Future: Led by Margot Parkes (University of Northern British Columbia), Moses Chimbari (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Rachel Devi (WISH Fiji), Sandy Naranjo (Mothers Out Front), Emmanuela Shinta (YOUTH ACT) | |
(4) Ecological Solutions: Designing Actionable Pathways to Reduce Infectious Disease and Protect Ecosystems: Led by Giulio DeLeo and Sanna Sokolow (Stanford Program on Health, Environment and Disease Ecology), Panelists: Skylar Hopkins (Virginia Tech), Hamish McCallum (Griffith University), Kinari Webb (Health in Harmony), Sarah Zohdy (Auburn University) | |
(5) Rising to the Challenge: Scaling Freshwater Solutions: Led by Lisa Mandle (Stanford), Moderator: Peter Gleick (Pacific Institute), Marta Echavarria (EcoDecision), Heather Cooley (Pacific Institute), Richard Luthy (Stanford), Discussant: Ramesh Bhushal (Earth Journalism Network) | |
(6) Leadership, Influence, Power: Working with Policymakers to Advance Planetary Health: Led by Amalia Almada (PHA) and Courtney Howard (President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), Panelists: Christine Loh (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Tasso Azevedo (MapBiomas), Admire Nyamwaza (Human Sciences Research Council), Daniel Kammen (UC Berkeley) | |
(7) Building a Planetary Health Report Card: Led by Bennett Kissel (UCSF) with student facilitators Karly Hampshire, Nuzhat Islam, Colin Baylen from UCSF and Jason Gomez and Anna Goshua from Stanford | |
(8) Engaging the World’s Youth: Led by Naglaa El-Abbadi (Tufts University), John Balbus (National Institutes of Health), Malvine Otieno (University of Eldoret), Danielle Platt (Castlight Health), Darrell Steely (Stanford), Ana Gonzalez Guerrero (Youth Climate Lab) | |
Presentation | Indigenous Perspectives on Planetary Health |
Plenary | Report Back from Breakouts |
Keynote: Rebecca Shaw (Chief Scientist, World Wildlife Fund) | Evolving Science and Policy to Meet the Challenge of Planetary Health |
Plenary | Fire: Wildfires, Deforestation, and Planetary Health: Led and moderated by Kari Nadeau (Stanford), Panelists: Tasso Azevedo (MapBiomas) Ruth Defries (Columbia University) John Balmes (UCSF) Allison Wolff (Vibrant Planet) |
Plenary | Lightning Talks: 6 great ideas in 3 minutes each • Emcee: Renzo Guinto (PHLab) • Presenters: Vijay Limaye (NRDC), William Dietz (George Washington University), Sarah Nelson (University of Maine), Randall Kramer (Duke), Eleanor Eaton (University of Bath), Katharine Kreis (PATH) |
Plenary | NCDs and Planetary Health: Common Challenges and Co-Beneficial Solutions: Led and moderated by Herb Riband (Stanford), Panelists: Howard Frumkin (Wellcome Trust), William Dietz (George Washington University), Kristie Ebi (University of Washington), Modi Mwatsana (EAT-Lancet Commission) |
Closing Remarks | Remarks from Samuel Myers (Director, Planetary Health Alliance) |
Keynote: Nainoa Thompson (President of the Polynesian Voyaging Society; Pwo Navigator) | Voyaging from Extinction to Renaissance |
All Speakers
Alicia Seiger: Stanford
Allison Wolff: Vibrant Planet
Anika Abedin: Brunel University
Anna Dyson: Yale
Beatrice Akinyi Otieno: Millennium Water Alliance
Bill McKibben: 350.org
Britt Wray: BBC
Carlos Alberto Faerron Guzmán: InterAmerican Center for Global Health (CISG)
Chris Field: Director, Stanford Woods Institute
Christine Loh: Former Undersecretary for the Environment & Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Courtney Howard: President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
Cristina Tato: CZI Biohub
David Vlahov: Yale
Divya Velguri: Harvard
Eleanor Eaton: University of Bath
Elizabeth Grant: University of Edinburgh
Enrique Barros: World Organization of Family Doctors
Gretchen Daily: Stanford
Helen Berry: University of Sydney
Herb Riband: Stanford
Hilary Duff: Planetary Health Alliance
Howard Frumkin: Wellcome Trust
Jashika Nirmalan: Brunel University
Jeni Miller: Climate and Health Alliance
Jennifer Lane: UC Davis
Jo Ivey Boufford: NYU
John Balmes: UCSF
John Fullterton: Capital Institute
John Ji: Duke Kunshan University
John Rossant: NewCities
Jonathan Patz: University of Wisconsin
Jorge Torre: Comunidad y Biodiversidad
Kari Nadeau: Stanford
Katharine Kreis: PATH
Katherine Burke: Stanford
Keith Martin: President, Consortium on Universities in Global Health
Kristie Ebi: University of Washington
Ling Cao: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Michele Barry: Director, Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health
Michelle Tigchelaar: Stanford
Mikaela Patrick: STEMA
Modi Mwatsana: EAT-Lancet Commission
Nainoa Thompson: President, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Olga Sarmiento: Los Andes University
Persis Drell: Provost, Stanford
Philip Landrigan: Boston College
Randall Kramer: Duke
Rebecca Shaw: Chief Scientist, World Wildlife Fund
Renzo Guinto: PHLab
Robert Strand: UC Berkeley
Rosamond Naylor: Stanford
Ruth Defries: Columbia University
Samuel Myers: Director, Planetary Health Alliance
Sandeep Maharaj: University of the West Indies
Sarah Nelson: University of Maine
Shakuntala Thilsted: WorldFish
Songhee Han: Stanford
Tasso Azevedo: MapBiomas
Teddie Potter: University of Minnesota
Valerie Stull: University of Wisconsin
Vijay Limaye: NRDC
Vikram Patel: Harvard
William Dietz: George Washington University
Zoe Cina-Sklar: Sunrise Movement
Workshop Presenters
Restructuring Universities to Support Planetary Health
Led by: Steve Luby (Stanford)
Moderator: Jonathan Patz (University of Wisconsin)
- Ann Kurth (Yale)
- Rebekah Brown (Monash University)
- Patricia Conrad (UC Davis)
- Lucy Shapiro (Stanford)
System Acupuncture: Addressing the Complexity in Planetary Wellbeing
Led by: Banny Banerjee (Stanford)
Rock You Interview, Nail Your Pitch: Communications for Change in Planetary Health
Led by: Courtney Howard (President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment)
- Denesha Brar (Wellcome Trust)
- James Fahn (Earth Journalism Network)
- Patralekha Chatterjee (Journalist)
- Seema Jasmin (Stanford)
- Ramesh Bhushal (Internews)
Becoming a Planetary Health Professional: Theory-Education-Practice
Led by: Teddie Potter (University of Minnesota)
- Paul Auerbach (Stanford)
- Enrique Barros (World Organization of Family Doctors)
- Ann Kurth (Yale)
- Nathaniel Uchtmann (UCSF)
- Donald Warne (University of North Dakota)
Meet Google Earth Engine: An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis at Scale
Led by: Stace Maples (Stanford)
Breakout Session Presenters
Compound Disaster Risks of Climate Change
Led by:
- Joy Shumake-Guillemot (WHO/WMO Joint Office Climate and Health)
- Kristie Ebi (University of Washington)
Putting Women at the Forefront of Planetary Health Solutions
Led by: David Lopez-Carr (UC Santa Barbara)
Moderator: Ndola Prata (UC Berkeley)
- Alisha Graves (UC Berkeley)
- Clive Mutunga (USAID)
- Denise Dunning (RiseUp)
- Kristen Patterson (Population Reference Bureau)
- Jackline Nakajubi (Pathfinder International Uganda)
- Suzanne York (Transition Earth)
Communities, Justice, and Living Systems: Connections for a Healthy and Thriving Future
Led by:
- Margot Parkes (University of Northern British Columbia)
- Moses Chimbari (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
- Rachel Devi (WISH Fiji)
- Sandy Naranjo (Mothers Out Front)
- Emmanuela Shinta (YOUTH ACT)
Ecological Solutions: Designing Actionable Pathways to Reduce Infectious Disease and Protect Ecosystems
Led by:
- Giulio DeLeo (Stanford Program on Health, Environment and Disease Ecology)
- Sanna Sokolow (Stanford Program on Health, Environment and Disease Ecology)
- Hamish McCallum (Griffith University)
- Kinari Webb (Health in Harmony)
- Sandy Naranjo (Mothers Out Front)
- Sarah Zohdy (Auburn University)
- Skylar Hopkins (Virginia Tech)
Rising to the Challenge: Scaling Freshwater Solutions
Led by: Lisa Mandle (Stanford)
- Peter Gleick (Pacific Institute)
- Heather Cooley (Pacific Institute)
- Marta Echavarria (EcoDecision)
- Richard Luthy (Stanford)
Discussant: Ramesh Bhushal (Internews)
Leadership, Influence, Power: Working with Policymakers to Advance Planetary Health
Led by:
- Courtney Howard (President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment)
- Amalia Almada (Planetary Health Alliance)
- Admire Nyamwaza (Human Sciences Research Council)
- Christine Loh (Former Undersecretary for the Environment & Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Daniel Kammen (UC Berkeley)
- Tasso Azevedo (MapBiomas)
Building a Planetary Health Report Card
Led by: Bennett Kissel (UCSF)
Student Facilitators:
- Anna Goshua (Stanford)
- Colin Baylen (UCSF)
- Jason Gomez (Stanford)
- Karly Hampshire (UCSF)
- Nuzhat Islam (UCSF)
Engaging the World’s Youth
Led by: Naglaa El-Abbadi (Tufts University)
- Ana Gonzalez Guerrero (Youth Climate Lab)
- Danielle Platt (Castlight Health)
- Darrell Steely (Stanford)
- John Balbus (National Institutes of Health)
- Malvine Otieno (University of Eldoret)