The theme of the 2022 Planetary Health Annual Meeting was Building the Field and Growing the Movement.
This hybrid convening, hosted by the Planetary Health Alliance in Boston, Massachusetts, welcomed 1,454 scientists, youth, policymakers, educators, private-sector representatives, artists, and others from 108 countries to explore the complexities of Planetary Health science. The participants had the opportunity to connect with a vibrant community, discover innovative solutions, and build practical skills to drive meaningful action and lasting change.
Read abstracts and papers related to PHAM 2022 in Challenges and The Lancet Planetary Health.
View recordings on PHA’s YouTube Channel!
Launch Day | Pre-conference: Member Networking |
Concurrent Breakout Side Sessions | These breakout sessions are centered around the themes of submitted abstracts sent in from the Planetary Health community. Day 1's themes include Mental Health, Public Health, Food Systems, Art/Performance, Movement Building, Culture, Research, Solutions, Policy & Translation, Community Engagement, and Education. |
PHA Regional Hub Meeting | This session is open to all people interested in the Planetary Health Alliance’s (PHA) Regional Hubs. Attendees will hear from the Regional Hub Travel Scholars about their respective Hubs and plans for growth. PHA organizational partners will also share their Hubs and communities to explore opportunities for building synergies across each Hub. Finally, Hubs will network and meet with one another. All PHA members and non-members are welcome to this exciting convening to build Planetary Health communities of practice in regions around the world. |
PHA Membership Meeting | Membership meeting for Planetary Health Alliance members to share accomplishments, lessons learned, and discuss the strategic direction of the Alliance. |
PHA Next Generation Network Meeting: Activating and Connecting Youth Networks to Grow the Next Generation Community | This PHA-run session will focus on the question: how do we activate and connect youth networks to grow a Planetary Health Next Generation community? This 90-minute session will open with a panel from PHA that sets the stage for discussion, followed by a working session designed to brainstorm next steps that can be taken to build this network. |
Open Gathering and Social Event New England Aquarium | To celebrate the opening of the 2022 PHAM, we will convene at the New England Aquarium for drinks, refreshments, and an opportunity to come together in community. This event is optional. |
Day 2 | |
PHA Welcome | Day 2 will open with welcoming remarks from representatives of the Harvard and Planetary Health community. |
Plenary: Updates From The Field: Snapshots of Global Environmental Change | This session will lay the groundwork to understand what the state of the planet’s natural systems are today. Panelists will update the audience about the latest research in global environmental change related to oceans, biodiversity, global pollution, land use change and climate change, as well as overviews of the current global efforts to address these challenges. Moderator: Kelly Meza Prado. Panelists: Mohamed Bakarr, Phil Landrigan, Michelle Tigchelaar, Siila Watt-Cloutier |
Interview: Reflections on the State of Natural Systems | This interview will feature a discussion on the state of natural systems and the on-going efforts driving progress to reverse environmental degradation and sharing a vision of a thriving world for all people and the planet. Interviewees: Sione Tu’itahi, Laetitia Sieffert |
Plenary: Update from the Field: Recent Insights into Health Effects of Global Environmental Change | This panel session will provide the latest updates on the impacts of changing natural systems on human health, including mental health, non-communicable disease, infectious disease, nutrition as well as displacement and conflict. Panelists will also discuss the current global efforts to address these challenges. Moderator: Caro Park; Panelists: Raina Plowright, Ashlee Cunsolo, Sonia Angell, Matt Smith |
Interview: Perspectives on the Field of Planetary Health | This interview will explore the state of global health from both Indigenous worldviews and multilateral perspectives, using Planetary Health principles as a framework for discussion. The speakers will highlight strategies for achieving The Great Transition, a way of living that respects all life on Earth. Interviewer: Louise Ivers. Interviewees: Mandeep Dhaliwal, Nicole Redvers |
Side Session | There will be a Side Session held over the lunch hour. The theme of this session is food and nutrition. |
Lightning Rounds: Health Fields and Global Environmental Change | This session will feature a selection of short, 3-5 minute talks featuring experts on health and global environmental change. Lightning Talks: Climate-poverty connections: Climate solutions can generate benefits for people and the planet. Yusuf Jameel (Project Drawdown) Exploring the needs, barriers, and priorities to protect the mental health and improve the well-being of Peruvian women facing climate change impacts: A qualitative study. Elaine C. Flores (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) Does living near blue space modify the impact of socioeconomic deprivation on mental health in urban areas? A population-based retrospective study. Michail Georgiou (Glasgow Caledonian University) The lost opportunity from insufficient pollinators for global food supplies and human health. Matthew Smith (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) Biodiversity and public policies purchases in Brazil - The case of School Feeding Program. Semíramis Martins Álvares Domene (Federal University of São Paulo) Residential green space and waist circumference impact telomere attrition in childhood. Thaïs De Ruyter (Ghent University) |
Concurrent Breakout Side Sessions | These breakout sessions will cover the top themes of submitted abstracts sent in from the Planetary Health community. |
Closing Remarks | We close out Day 2's activities with closing remarks from a very special guest, Carlos Alvarado Quesada. |
Posters Reception & Social Hour | We will showcase our live poster presentations at a social event/poster presentation. |
Day 3 | |
Opening Remarks | Day 3 will open with welcoming remarks from a representative of the PHA community. |
Keynote | An energizing keynote speaker, Hindou Ibrahim, will focus on movement building, policy, and transformative change. |
Panel: Regionalizing Planetary Health: Case Studies from the Field | Experts in building regional networks for Planetary Health action across the globe will come together in this panel to discuss how their group got started, the connections they have built, the state of their community, their needs and future directions, as well as how you can get involved. Moderator: Courtney Howard. Panelists: Melvine Anyango, Rebecca Patrick, Sandeep Maharaj, Arnau Queralt Bassa, Antonio Saraiva, Renzo Guinto. |
Panel: Planetary Health as Catalyst for Change | This panel will bring together experts to discuss today’s policy landscape, focusing on how Planetary Health is being operationalized with respect to policy discussions and implementations. The moderator and panelists will explore Planetary Health as a powerful unifying framework to address global challenges and devise a path forward to a more just and equitable society. Moderator: Iris Blom. Panelists: Jemilah Mahmood, Ruediger Krech, Patrick Frick |
Lightning Rounds | This session will feature a selection of short, 3-5 minute talks featuring experts on health and global environmental change. Lightning Talks: A critical ecosystems and intersectional approach to understanding farmer mental health: A mixed methods study. Fiona Doherty (The Ohio State University, College of Social Work) Young people’s mental health in a changing climate. Hasini Gunasiri (Deakin University) Spatiotemporal variation and environmental sensitivity of childhood enteric pathogen infection risk: A Planetary Health Approach to predictive modeling and risk mapping. Josh Colston (University of Virginia, School of Medicine) Integration of medical service provision and nature conservation worldwide 1980-2022: Collaborative evidence mapping of 43 projects across 22 countries. Jo Middleton (Brighton and Sussex Medical School) Building blocks of positive community health: The contribution of Kenyan communities. Claudia Robbiati (STEMA) HEAL: Australian research network in human health and environmental change. Sotiris Vardoulakis (Australian National University) |
Concurrent Breakout Sessions | These breakout sessions will cover the top themes of submitted abstracts sent in from the Planetary Health community. |
Building a Planetary health Movement | This session will showcase several examples of the Planetary Health movement that are related to building community and taking action toward The Great Transition. Panelists will come together to discuss how movements are built and the progress that’s been made, as well as sharing ideas on how to create transformational change. Moderator: Hahrie Han. Panelists: Anjali Narayanan, Reuben Clements, Alex Robert |
Keynote | This Keynote will feature a prominent speaker, Vanessa Goes, from within the Planetary Health space. |
Closing Remarks | We will come together to reflect on the key takeaways from the day's events, linking them to the overarching narrative of bridging communities to promote Planetary Health. Speakers: PHA Team & Special Guests |
Informal Gathering: Time Out Market | We will celebrate the culmination of the Planetary Health Annual Meeting by coming together for drinks and refreshments at Time Out Market in Boston. |
Alexandre Robert: Registered Nurse, Master of Science
Anjali Narayanan: Founder and Executive Director, Recycle FAN
Antonio Saraiva: Steering Committee, Planetary Health Alliance
Arnau Queralt Bassa: Chairman, European Network of Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils
Ashlee Cunsolo: Founding Dean, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies and the Labrador Campus of Memorial University
Carlos Alvarado Quesada: 48th President of the Republic of Costa Rica
Caro Park: PhD Student, Harvard University
Claudia Robbiati: STEMA
Courtney Howard: Clinical Associate Professor, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary
Elaine C. Flores: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Faries Gray: Sagamore (War Chief), Massachusett Tribe at Ponkapoag
Fiona Doherty: College of Social Work, The Ohio State University
Hahrie Han: Director, SNF Agora Institute
Hasini Gunasiri: Deakin University
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim: President, Association for Indigenous Women and People of Chad
Iris Blom: PhD Candidate, LSHTM
Jemilah Mahmood: Professor and Executive Director, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health
Jo Middleton: Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Josh Colston: School of Medicine, University of Virginia
Kelly Meza Prado: Youth Steering Committee Representative, Planetary Health Alliance
Laetitia Sieffert: Programme Management Officer, UNEP Convention on Biological Diversity
Louise Ivers: Director, Harvard Global Health Institute
Mandeep Dhaliwal: Director of the Health Group, United Nations Development Programme Bureau for Policy and Programme Support
Manuel Ruiz-Aravena: Postdoctoral Associate, College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University
Matthew Smith: Research Scientist, Harvard University
Melvine Anyango: Next Gen Fellow, Planetary Health Alliance
Michail Georgiou: Glasgow Caledonian University
Michelle Tigchelaar: Research Scientist, Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University
Mohamed Bakarr: Lead Environment Specialist, Global Environment Facility
Nicole Redvers: Associate Professor & Director of Indigenous Planetary Health, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University
Patrick Frick: Global Coordinator, Global Commons Alliance
Philip Landrigan: Professor and Director, Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good, Boston College
Raina Plowright: Professor and Cornell Atkinson Scholar, Cornell University
Rebecca Patrick: Co-Lead, PHA Oceania Hub
Renzo Guinto: Chief Planetary Health Scientist and Co-Founder, Sunway Centre for Planetary Health
Reuben Clements: Professor and Associate Dean (Research), School of Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University
Ruediger Krech: Director of Health Promotion, World Health Organization
Sandeep Maharaj: Global Outreach Fellow, Planetary Health Alliance
Semíramis Martins Álvares Domene: Federal University of São Paulo
Siila Watt-Cloutier: Former Chair, Inuit Circumpolar Council
Sione Tu’itahi: Executive Director, Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand
Sonia Angell: Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Sotiris Vardoulakis: Australian National University
Thaïs De Ruyter: Ghent University
Vanessa Goes: Integrative Health Professional
Yusuf Jameel: Project Drawdown
Does Living Near Blue Space Modify the Impact of Socio-economic Deprivation on Mental Health in Urban areas? A Population-based Retrospective Study.
The lost opportunity from insufficient pollinators for global food supplies and human health.
Young people’s mental health in a changing climate.
Residential green space and waist circumference impact telomere attrition in childhood.
Spatiotemporal variation and environmental sensitivity of childhood enteric pathogen infection risk: A Planetary Health approach to predictive modeling and risk mapping.
HEAL: Australian research network in human health and environmental change.
Building blocks of positive community health: The contribution of Kenyan communities.
A critical ecosystems and intersectional approach to understanding farmer mental health: A mixed-methods study.
Biodiversity and public policies purchases in Brazil – The case of School Feeding Program.
Exploring the needs, barriers, and priorities to protect the mental health and improve the wellbeing of Peruvian women facing climate change impacts: a qualitative study.
Integration of medical service provision and nature conservation worldwide 1980-2022: Collaborative evidence mapping of 43 projects across 22 countries.
Planetary Health Alliance Member Meeting
Led by: Planetary Health Alliance Team
Planetary Health Alliance Regional Hub Session
Led by: Jeremy Pivor, Planetary Health Alliance
Planetary Health Alliance Next Generation Network: Activating and Connecting Youth Networks to Grow the Next Generation Community
Led by: Joanna Wagner, Planetary Health Alliance
Hunting food system myths – A scavenger hunt through historical Boston
Project Earthrise: Co-creating change for flourishing of people, places and planet
Led by: Susan Prescott, Nova Institute
Teaching Planetary Health through complexity thinking: A patient-centered approach through the lens of Planetary Health
Climate ministry: Spiritual care for a time of transformation
Is Youth the potential factor in bridging the knowledge gap between Planetary Health and Pakistan?
Developing international funding guidelines to support integration of biodiversity conservation and medical service provision
The Planetary Health K-12 toolkit project
Planetary Health nursing: A global movement
Integrating Planetary Health into the medical school curriculum
Planet Protectors: an award-winning short film about three rainforest community members in Indonesia, Madagascar, and Brazil followed by a Q&A with Health In Harmony
Place-based, child-, and community-centered approaches to advancing Planetary Health
Africa united for Planetary Health
Planetary Health education, the effective way to inform and grow the movement
Mental health and our changing climate: Impacts, inequities, responses
Creative climate communication: Art as a tool for youth advocacy
Sky Indicators x Climate: Empowering community-driven adaptive and resilience strategies through crowd science
Sustainable health equity: A necessary agenda for this and the coming generations
The role of health professionals in communicating climate-related health risks to communities: A South Asia Perspective
Plastics, microplastics, and immunotoxicity: Our planet and people in peril
When words aren’t enough: Art for activist burnout
This house believes that sustainable plant-based nutrition education should be a core component of all healthcare curriculum
Healthy people healthy business, the role of business in realizing global health: Exploring the impact and opportunity areas for action
Showcasing the power of female leadership for transformative action and planetary health
Co-building a Planetary Health disability-inclusive narrative
How social and behavior change strategies can support climate change solutions as part of Planetary Health
Transit health equity: Methods of engagement and action for local climate mitigation
Intersection of population health and Planetary Health informatics
Planetary Health Toolbox: Because health depends on our surrounding environment and ecosystem
Strategies for quantifying and reducing waste in the emergency department
Mental health and wellbeing in the climate emergency: Global perspectives and calls to action
Building resilience: An open workshop for sharing research and intervention challenges at the intersection of mental health, wellbeing and climate change
Untapped potential: How climate mitigation solutions can also contribute to gender equality, human well-being, and poverty alleviation
Bamboo polybags: Replacing plastic polybags in reforestation effort
Dissecting the impact of rising temperatures in health: The Portuguese public health perspective
Community Voices for Planetary Health in Kenya
Build resilience with gender empowerment, sustainable food and reuse policies
The promotion of Planetary Health through the lens of educommunication
Planetary Health in Amazonian artist’s voice: An exhibition of environmental video clips
Climate change adaptation and mitigation in The Gambia and West Africa
Accelerating the transition to healthy net zero societies: Challenges and opportunities for research, policy and practice
Cross-cultural understanding of youth mental health and agency in the climate crisis and pandemic
Cost and affordability of healthy, sustainable diets worldwide
The Planetary Health Film Lab: Amplifying the voices of Indigenous youth in Ecuador.
Developing trusted voices for Planetary Health: A C4PH workshop
Launch of the educational material: Patient and clinic through the lens of Planetary Health – Volume 1 and 2.
Holistic interventions integrating spiritual values in Planetary Health transformation
Global challenges: The Dutch approach
Planetary Health and making change: A workshop on the Climate Health Organizing Fellows Program
How to implement Planetary Health into medical curricula: A panel discussion