The first convening of the Planetary Health community!
The Inaugural Planetary Health/GeoHealth Annual Meeting marked a historic milestone as the first global convening of the Planetary Health community!
Co-hosted by the Planetary Health Alliance, the American Geophysical Union, the Ecological Society of America, and The Lancet, the field’s first Planetary Health Annual Meeting brought together more than 370 participants from 28 countries, comprising a diverse group of students, investigators, instructors, policymakers, and other interested individuals committed to understanding and communicating the human health impacts of global environmental change.
Designed to catalyze this transdisciplinary field, the meeting aimed to showcase the extraordinary momentum taking place around the world in the field of Planetary Health while highlighting institutional developments, emerging investigators, research developments, and applications to policy-making and natural resource management.
Registration is closed.
Recordings are available on PHA’s YouTube Channel, and abstracts were published in The Lancet.
The meeting was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and Wellcome Trust.
PRECONFERENCE DAY - Friday, April 28 | |
Main Program | Presentation |
New England Aquarium | Opening Remarks by Jonathan Patz |
DAY 1 - Saturday, April 29 | |
Main Program | Presentations |
Opening Reception Remarks | "What is Planetary Health and Why Now?" |
"Welcome from the Planetary Health Alliance" | |
"Meeting Objectives and Icebreaker" | |
Session I: Who’s Doing What, Where? An Illustrative Update from Institutions Focused on Planetary Health Around the World | Opening Remarks by Moderator Montira Pongsiri |
Panel Discussion: “Planetary Health as a Unifying Framework for Multilateral Organizations” | |
Session II: The Cutting Edge: New Findings in Planetary Health Science | Opening Remarks by Moderator Clare Matterson |
“Promoting Ecologically-Based Approaches to Preventing Disease: A Story of Dams, Snails, and Schistosomiasis” | |
“Fall in Fish Catch Threatens Human Health” | |
“Informing Land Use and Fire Management Strategies to Mitigate Air Pollution in Southeast Asia” | |
“Promoting Planetary Health through Development of Sustainable, Urban Environments” | |
Session III: Research Speed Talks | Opening Remarks by Moderator Alex Ezeh |
“Environmental Impacts of Shifting to Healthy Diets in India” | |
“Child Linear Growth After a Natural Disaster” | |
“Climate Change Impact on Malaria in Africa" | |
“Securing Sustainable and Nutritious Food Systems Through Mainstreaming Agricultural Biodiversity” | |
“The Seasonal and Climatic Determinants of Access to Care: Implications for Measles Outbreak Risk in Madagascar” | |
“Measuring the Impacts of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions on Global Nutrient Intakes” | |
“Development of a Dietary Environmental Index to Assess Nutritional Quality Versus Environmental Impact for Foods and Dietary Patterns” | |
“Drought and the Risk of Hospital Admissions and Mortality in Western U.S. Older Adults from 2000 to 2013: A Retrospective Study" | |
Session IV: “An Earth’s Worth of New Journals Supporting Planetary Health” | Opening Remarks by Moderator Josh Tewksbury |
“The GeoHealth Journal” | |
“The Lancet Planetary Health” | |
“The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Connections Between Public Health and Climate Change” |
DAY 2 - Sunday, April 29 | |
Main Program | Presentations |
Session V: Applying Planetary Health Science towards Policy and Action | Opening Remarks by Moderator Steve Osofsky |
“How Lyme Disease Can Be Mitigated Through Land Use Policy at the County Level” | |
“How Co-Benefits of Healthy and Sustainable Diets Can Support Food Security” | |
“Building the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the Face of Climate Change” | |
“Using Planetary Health Science to Protect the Peatlands of Indonesia” | |
“Watershed Condition and Childhood Health: Global Relationships and Policy Opportunities” | |
Session VI: Making Change | Opening Remarks by Moderator Tim Wirth |
#Film4Climate GLobal Video Competition 1st Prize Short Film Winner "Three Seconds" | |
“Building Change Through Story: Theory of Social Movements” | |
“Mothers Fighting Climate Change: A Grassroots Success Story” | |
“Culture-Rooted Action: What We Can Learn from Indigenous Movements” | |
“Movement-Building for Nerdy Folk” | |
Day 2 Closing Remarks |
Alex Ezeh: Executive Director, African Population Research Center
Amalia Almada: Senior Program Manager, Planetary Health Alliance
Ann Tutwiler: Director General, Bioversity International
Brooks Hanson: Director of Publications, American Geophysical Union
C. Jessica E. Metcalf: Assistant Professor of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology & Public Affairs, Princeton University
Chris Golden: Associate Director, Planetary Health Alliance
Clare Matterson: Special Adviser, Wellcome Trust
Courtney Howard: Emergency Physician, Yellowknife
Duncan Thomas: Professor of Economics, Duke University
Eriel Deranger: Communication Coordinator & Executive Assistant, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
Fanny Demassieux: Environment and Health Coordinator, United Nations Environment Programme
Gen Meredith: Cornell University
Giulio De Leo: Professor of Biology, Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station
Howard Frumkin: Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington School of Public Health
Jess Berman: Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins University
Jonathan Patz: Director, Global Health Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Josh Ginsberg: President, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Josh Tewksbury: Director of Colorado Global Hub, Future Earth
Joy Shumake-Guillemot: WHO/WMO Climate and Health Office
Kelsey Wirth: Founder, Mothers Out Front
Lukasz Aleksandrowicz: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Marshall Ganz: Senior Lecturer in Public Policy, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Matthew Smith: Research Fellow, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Miriam Marlier: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles
Montira Pongsiri: Science Policy Advisor, Planetary Health Alliance
Naglaa El-Abbadi: Doctoral Candidate, MPH, Friedman School of Nutrition, Tufts University
Natalia Linou: Policy Specialist, Gender Health & HIV, United Nations Development Program
Nick Watts: Executive Director, The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change
Noriko Endo: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pak Budi Wardhana: Deputy Head, National Peatland Restoration Agency of Indonesia
Paul Wilkinson: Professor of Environmental Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Phil Landrigan: Mt. Sinai
Raffaella Bosurgi: Editor, The Lancet Planetary Health
Richard Horton: Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet
Robin Bronen: Executive Director, Alaskan Institute for Justice
Sam Myers: Faculty Director, Planetary Health Alliance
Sanna Sokolow: Associate Research Biologist, Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station
Sara Stone: Education Fellow, Planetary Health Alliance
Steve Osofsky: Science Policy Director, Planetary Health Alliance
Taylor Ricketts: Director, Gund Institute
Tim Wirth: Vice Chair and Former President, United Nations Foundation
Timothy Bouley: Climate and Health Specialist, World Bank
Walter Willett: Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health