Search the Planetary Health Alliance Resource Library

Research & Resources User Guide

This guide will help you browse and search research articles, tools, videos, and other Planetary Health resources. Click on a tab below to focus your search, trouble-shoot any access issues, and get in touch with the PHA team.

All items default to display the most recent resources at the top of the results. You can change the order of display on the upper right hand corner of the results list using “Sort by.”

Start broad! Be as general as possible in your first search, and limit your filter use to only one or two filter categories from the left hand toolbar. When you select multiple filters across categories, “AND” search logic is applied and will narrow your search: results will only include resources with both tags represented. When you select multiple filters within categories, “OR” search logic is applied: results will include at least one of the filters selected. As an example, if you select “Air Pollution” and “Climate Change” under Environmental Changes and “Mental Health” under Health Impacts, the results will show resources that address mental health AND either air pollution OR climate change.

The broad filter categories for the repository are:

  • Resource Type – While most resources are Research & Reports, this filter will help you find information about Planetary Health in your preferred format from videos to policy briefs to introductory resources.
  • Environmental Changes – This filter allows you to select resources that focus on a particular human-driven change to Earth’s natural systems.
  • Health Impacts – This filter lets you capture resources that trace specific negative health outcomes that are associated with human-driven changes in the environment.
  • Sectors – This filter selects for resources in sectors of society that influence human-driven changes in the environment, and the management of human health including Health and Care Systems.
  • Interventions – This filter captures the growing body of research and tools related to solutions that have the power to advance Planetary Health such as Communications, Education, and Technology and Innovation.
  • Perspectives – This filter displays lenses through which we can better understand Planetary Health including Equity and Justice, Indigenous Knowledge and Voices, and guiding Frameworks in the field.
  • Location – Some items in the Resource Library are tagged by the Regional Hub they are focused on. While most articles specify research conducted in specific geographic areas, their findings often apply to understanding Planetary Health at the global level.

To test that the filter categories are returning results relevant to you, you can remove any filter in use at the top of the search results listing by clicking the “x” next to the filter. To remove all filters from your search, you can also click “Reset Filters” at the top of the search results listing.