Planetary Health Challenge
Non-Profit Organization
An overview of the global secretariat for the field and movement of Planetary Health
The Planetary Health Alliance is a growing consortium of hundreds of universities, non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and government entities from 80+ countries around the world committed to understanding and addressing the impacts of global environmental change on human health and well-being.
80 Countries represented
PHA supports disseminating new research, developing and curating foundational education materials, and bringing together communities of practice around the world. We seek to mobilize policymakers, the public, global health and human development communities, private sector, and civil society to recognize that the Earth Crisis represents an urgent humanitarian crisis. We are building an activated global constituency committed to rapid structural shifts in how we live in order to reduce our ecological footprint and secure a livable future for humanity and the rest of life on Earth.
The Planetary Health Alliance unites leading universities, research institutes, NGOs, and government entities advancing Planetary Health worldwide. We welcome new members based on their relevant work, proven success, and commitment to collaboration. Members help shape PHA’s strategy and participate in a vibrant global consortium. Join us.
Recently Joined Members
Non-Profit Organization
Non-Profit Organization
Non-Profit Organization
In 2015, the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health published its report “Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch” in The Lancet. In order to build the knowledge base, expertise, and policies needed to address the challenges highlighted in this report, the field of Planetary Health has been growing very quickly with the proliferation of new journals, degree programs, courses, institutes, and national and multilateral initiatives. As the central organization at the heart of the movement, PHA brings together organizations from many nations — more than half of which are low- and middle-income countries — to support the rapid growth of this transdisciplinary, solutions-oriented field.
Understanding and acting upon Planetary Health challenges calls for massive collaboration across disciplinary and political boundaries to safeguard our health in harmony with nature. This is why PHA was formed in 2015.
The Secretariat was first hosted by Harvard University and since November 2023 has been based at Johns Hopkins University with the Johns Hopkins Institute for Planetary Health. This connection with a world-class university in the field of global health and a location in Washington, DC dramatically expands the Alliance’s ability to achieve its core mission helping to catalyze the global field of Planetary Health and mainstream its insights and frameworks into the realm of action and decision making.
PHA is supported by a Steering Committee and Advisory Board both comprised of international experts and Planetary Health leaders. The generosity of several funders enables the Secretariat to coordinate global initiatives, strengthen networks, and mobilize communities.
Executive Director
Faculty Director
Program Director
Education Director