
2021 Planetary Health Annual Meeting and Festival

Planetary Health for All: Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition

PHAM 2021, hosted by the Planetary Health Alliance and the University of São Paulo, aimed to bridge communities to achieve the Great Transition by highlighting collective Planetary Health values; showcasing change-making science, stories, solutions, and communities; and building systemic solutions across economics, governance, and civil society.

This virtual convening brought together scientists, youth, policymakers, educators, the private sector, artists, and more for 90+ sessions over five days. It was themed “Planetary Health for All: Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition.” Why? Because we understand that all voices need to be heard in order to ensure the planet, its natural systems, and all life thrive for generations to come. We are all part of the solution and therefore we need contributions from all parts of the globe to inspire our endeavor of Bridging Communities to Achieve the Great Transition.

Originally intended to be held in person in São Paulo, Brazil, the convening was held virtually following the COVID-19 outbreak. The conference organizers took that opportunity to expand the program to an entire week and included 20 arts sessions throughout. More than 5,000 individuals from 130 countries registered.

The conference had three types of sessions:

  • Main Program: Core sessions including keynotes, panels, interviews, lightning talks
  • Side/Satellite Events: Additional academic/discussion sessions
  • Festival Events: Cultural and artistic performances

A collection of 23 selected abstracts was published in The Lancet Planetary Health. The complete book of 2021 Planetary Health Annual Meeting Abstracts, along with all the conference posters, is also available.

Simultaneous translation for the event was made available from English into French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Mandarin.

Sponsors and Partners

  • The Lancet Planetary Health
  • Beyond Meat
  • Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
  • Brazilian Network Information Centre
  • Recicla
  • Wellcome
  • Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa/Universidade de São Paulo
  • ie]A
  • Saúde Planetária
  • Universidade de São Paulo Escola Politécnica
  • Ripple Impact
  • Santé Planétaire
  • École des Hautes Études en Santé Publique
  • Société Francophone de Santé et Environnement
  • CineSolar
  • Centre Virchow-Villermé
  • Gore Street Energy Storage Fund
  • Association Santé  Environnement France
  • The Sense of Silence

São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health

The São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health was developed openly and collaboratively by the global community with assistance from the United Nations Development Program and was released at the end of the 2021 Planetary Health Annual Meeting. It is an urgent call to action that has signatories from approximately 50 countries worldwide.


PRECONFERENCE DAY - Sunday, April 25
Main Program Side Events
PHA Membership Meeting Uniting African and Planetary Communities for a Healthy and Sustainable Earth: A Participatory Dialogue to Promote Diverse Partnerships
PHA Regional Hubs 2.0 Launch Clinicians for Planetary Health (C4PH) - Trusted Voices, Trusted Message
Hylo Side Session
Main Program Side Events Festival Events
Opening Ceremony A Symposium on the Therapeutic Use of Poetry and Music in Climate Change and Health Education in Nigeria A Mensagem do Xamã com Davi Kopenawa (The Shaman's Message with Davi Kopenawa)
Keynote: Robin Wall Kimmerer, "Towards the Great Transition: a value-driven approach" The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Regional Responses Marivelton Baré e Orquestra Multiétnica (Marivelton Baré and Multi-Ethnic Orchestra)
Panel: The change we need must be based on shared values Small but Resilient - The Caribbean Response to Planetary Health Problems A(terrar): The Urgency of Expressing a World that is Quick Changing
Interview: What does it mean to be happy in the 21st century? Nurses are Here! A Global Planetary Movement The Great Transition Within
Closing Remarks The Unprecedented Planetary Health Emergency of Committed Global Climate Change and Essential Responses In the Movements of the Earth
Science Lightning Talks - Mental Health Oceania - Building Bridges to Cross the Planetary Health Chasm
Main Program Side Events Festival Events
Poster Session 1 Digital Technologies and Access to Equitable Healthcare: Available Data and the Future of Telehealth Adoption in Brazil Iran Neves Ordonio e A Floresta Cura (Iran Neves Ordonio and The Healing Forest)
Opening Remarks A Planetary Health Blind Spot: Revealing the Potential of Women and the Global South to Safeguard Nature Edson Kayapó e Mekaron - A Imagem da Alma (Edson Kayapó and Mekaron - The Image of the Soul)
Panel: Planetary Health, Transdisciplinarity and Academic Careers: new structures for a new science and education Citizen Science: An Approach to Promote Planetary Health Ibã Sales Huni-Kuin
Panel: How to promote planetary health science and education: a funder's perspective The Future of Planetary Health Education Nature & Music: A Short Art Song Recital
Interview: Tools for Planetary Health Education SARS Cov2 in the Sewage - State of the Knowledge Sound Art Online Installation (First Emergence)
Closing Remarks Sustainable Diets and Food Systems Hub Ecosystem Health Education: Student Film Festival Showcase
Science Lightning Talks - Food & Nutrition COVID-19 & Internet Traffic in Brazil
Escassez Hidrica nos Grandes Centros Urbanos
Sustainable Aging and Planetary Health
n Introduction to Technology and Innovation for Planetary Health: Exploring a Case Example of Food Security and Farmer Sustainability
Ecosystem Health Education: Teaching Leadership and SDGs Through Team-based Assignments
Hope for Diversity: Healing Ourselves and Planet Earth through Planetary Health Friendship
Deconstructing Climate Misinformation to Identify Reasoning Errors
Main Program Side Events Festival Events
Poster Session 2 Global Health and Planetary Health: Perspectives for a Transition to a More Sustainable World Indigenous Village Renaissance "Agroecology and Sustainability" / Aldeia indigena Renascer "Agroecologia e Sustentabilidade"
Opening Remarks Food Supply Chain and Planetary Health Challenges Earth Renaissance: Meeting with Tekoa / Terra Renascer: de encontro com o Tekoa
Panel: New businesses for a new society The Change We Need in Health and Quality of Life in Largest City Terraqueous Meditations: a musical journey in Tietê River
Panel: The role of businesses in leading the protein revolution Digital Inclusion and the Response to COVID-19: New Evidence and Policy Issues
Interview: Valuing and measuring economic success: what is next? Evidence in Support of Green "Prescriptions" by Healthcare Clinicians as a Low- cost, Effective Intervention in Disease Prevention and in the Care of Chronic Illnesses
Closing Remarks Children and Planetary Health: Collaboratively Connecting and Uniting for Healthy Children and a Healthy Planet
Science Lightning Talks - Non-communicable Disease PHA Living Labs Workshop
Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Planetary Health: Focus on Climate Change Effect Mitigation on Human Health, in the Lens of SDGs Number 3, 11 and 17
Indigenous Values and Principles, and Planetary Health
DAY 4 - Thursday, April 29: GOVERNANCE & COOPERATION
Main Program Side Events Festival Events
Poster Session 3 PHAM Evaluating Student Knowledge Exchange Through Immersive International Experiences Rodrigo Prates Junqueira e Vídeo Povos da Floresta (Rodrigo Prates Junqueira and Forest Peoples Video)
Opening Remarks Brazilian Planetary Health Club: Reflections and Tips on Building a PH Club A Planetary Health Model in South East Madagascar: Community Led Solutions to Protect the Manombo Special Reserve
Panel: Planetary health diplomacy: saving multilateralism to save ourselves The Importance of the Use of Cultural Spaces in the Peripheral Areas East of São Paulo: Mental Health for Young People Cooking Together to Celebrate Planetary Diversity
Panel: From theory to practice: how to implement PH solutions on the ground A Planetary Health approach to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Indonesia, Madagascar, and Brazil Sound Art Collaborative Online Installation
Interview: Leadership and the Planetary Health lens in governance and policy Blockchain for Good - Using Technology for Addressing Climate Change/Biodiversity Issues
Closing Remarks The Health of South American Atlantic and Antarctic Marine Ecosystems in a Post-Pandemic World
Science Lightning Talks - Infectious Disease An Urgent Discussion: Should Family Doctors Consider Being More Assertive About Advising Their Patients to Cut Down on Red Meat?
What Would be a Capacity Building Process in Planetary Health? Which Contents? Which Skills? Which Attitudes?
Reflections on Global Grief in COVID-19
Panorama de Datos Sobre Salud Planetaria en Panamá
Main Program Side Events Festival Events
Opening Remarks Social Sciences for Planetary Health CORAL_RÁDIO CECI JARAGUÁ GUARANI
Panel: Civil society taking the lead Climate Change and Human Health - From Knowledge to Action Tawanã Kariri-Xocó Fulkaxó e Cristine Takuá
Panel: Activating the mainstream: Our urgent planetary health mission to protect the future Scaling up Planetary Health Awareness and Practices for Transformative Action among the Eastern African Community Para Onde Vamos?
Vision: São Paulo Declaration Neighborhood Assistance - A Chance to Create Healthy and Sustainable Cities We Regenerate Rainforests
Closing Ceremony 2020 PHCA Program: Showcasing Projects and Initiatives Bro Mcs
Science Lightning Talks - Displacement and Conflict Solar World Cinema Communicating the Impacts of Climate Change Through Arts and Dance
Planting the Seeds for Planetary Health YOUTH by YOUTH Yoga for Planetary Health
Creating Feasible and Effective Pathways to a Healthy, Zero-carbon World. Evidence from Real-World Scenarios
How Radically Listening to Communities is Addressing the Climate and Nature Crisis: Results from Proof of Concept Site for Health In Harmony
Building Bridges Between Science and Society: How Can Parenting and Family Activism Contribute to Advance the Climate Agenda?


All Speakers

Agnes Binagwaho: Vice Chancellor, University of Global Health Equity

Aileen Lee: Chief Program Officer, Environmental Conservation Gordon and Betty Moore

Antonio Saraiva: Professor, University of São Paulo

Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias: Associate Professor, University of Brasilia

Bruce Friedrich: Executive Director and Co-founder, The Good Food Institute

Carlos Faerron: Associate Director, Planetary Health Alliance

Cicilia Githaiga: Technical Advisor, GIZ ABS Capacity Development Initiative

Connie White Delaney: Professor and Dean, School of Nursing University of Minnesota

Corinne Reid: Provost (Interim) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Victoria University

Courtney Howard: Former President, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Diane Holdorf: Managing Director of Food & Nature, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

Eliana Sousa Silva: Founder and Director, Redes da Maré

Ethan Brown: Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Meat

Herton Escobar: Special Reporter, University of São Paulo

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim: President, Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad

Jamil Chade: Brazilian Journalist, Columnist, UOL and BandNews TV in Geneva

Jane Davidson: Pro Vice-Chancellor Emeritus, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Jera Guarani: Brazilian Indigenous Leader, Tenonde Porã Village

John Fullerton: Founder and President, Capital Institute

John Helliwell: University of British Columbia

Jonathan Rose: President, Rose Companies

Julia Kim: Program Director, GNH Centre Bhutan

Justin Worland: Senior Correspondent, Time Magazine

Karenna Gore: Director, Center for Earth Ethics

Kotchakorn Voraakhom: CEO and Founder, Landprocess/Porous City

Lucy Muulenkei: Executive Director, Indigenous Information Network

Luiz Eugenio Araujo de Morais Mello: Scientific Director, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Madeleine Thomson: Senior Science Lead, Climate Change and Health, Our Planet, Our Health, Wellcome Trust

Martin Hermann: President, German Alliance Climate Change and Health

Mary Evelyn Tucker: Co-Founder and Co-Director, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology

Mayara Floss: Family Physician, WONCA

Melvine Anyango: Planetary Health Next Generation Fellow, University of Eldoret

Nainoa Thompson: President, Polynesian Voyaging Society

Nicole Redvers, ND, MPH: UND / Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation

Nicole de Paula: Founder, Women Leaders for Planetary Health

Omnia El Omrani: Liaison Officer for Public Health, International Federation of Medical Students’ Association

Riane Eisler: President, Center for Partnership Systems

Robin Wall Kimmerer: Professor of Environmental and Forest Biology, State University of New York

Rolph Payet: Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Sandeep Maharaj: Associate Dean Distance Education, Planning and Projects, University of the West Indies

Sandrine Dixson-Declève: Co-President, Club of Rome

Sarah Finnie Robinson: Founding Director, 51 Percent Project

Silvia Lagnado: Sustainable Growth Officer, Natura&Co

Stefanos Fotiou: Director, Environment and Development Division, United Nations ESCAP

Teddie Potter: Director of Planetary Health, University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Thomas Jonas: Co-Founder and CEO, Nature’s Fynd

Tom Szaky: Founder & CEO, Terracycle

Vik Mohan: Medical Director, Blue Ventures Conservation

Virgilio Viana: Director General, Sustainable Amazon Foundation

Wanjira Mathai: Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, World Resources Institute

Will Evison: Director, Sustainability Strategy, PwC

Lightning Talk Presenters

Mental Health Lightning Talks:

  • Ans Vercammen
  • Katharine Zywert
  • Emily York
  • Viveka Guzman
  • Ronan Foley


Food & Nutrition Lightning Talks:

  • Anna Claudia Dilda
  • Simon Lloyd
  • Canxi Chen
  • Liza Barbour
  • Rosemary Green


NonCommunicable Disease Lightning Talks:

  • Nilanjan Bhor
  • Ana Ortigoza
  • Anastasia Montgomery
  • Aubrey Doede
  • Miriam Marlier


Infectious Disease Lightning Talks:

  • Ryan Harp
  • Andrea Lund
  • Isabel Fletcher
  • Sophie Lee
  • Rosa von Borries


Displacement and Conflict Lightning Talks:

  • Byomkesh Talukder
  • Charles Ssemugabo
  • Nilanjana Ganguli
  • Laura J Brown
  • Cheryl Margoluis