World Wildlife Fund
Year Joined: 2020 · United States
At World Wildlife Fund (WWF), our mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth, focusing our work around six ambitious goals for healthy Climate, Food, Forests, Freshwater, Oceans, and Wildlife. Our unique way of working combines a global reach of more than 100 countries with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that protect communities, wildlife, and the places in which they live. With human health and the health of our environment inextricably linked, WWF strives to bring a stronger practice of conservation into the holistic paradigm of Planetary Health. Through contributing thought partnership to multi-disciplinary dialogue around planetary health, and likewise integrating the science of impacts of environmental degradation on human health into effective conservation, we envision bolstering solutions and a narrative that translate consistently across conservation and public health disciplines, securing greater attention, momentum, political will, and ultimately interventions that can withstand the winds of change in governments – and yield the scale of results our changing world needs. This might be done through joint communications, targeted workshops, advocacy campaigns with new collaborators, or other avenues to which WWF can directly contribute.
For more than 60 years, World Wildlife Fund has worked to help people and nature thrive. Our unique approach combines an international reach with a foundation in science; involves action at every level from local to global; and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that protect communities, wildlife, and the places in which they live. With human health and the health of our environment inextricably linked, WWF strives to incorporate robust conservation practices into a holistic model for planetary health — one that sustains nature and the health and well-being of communities near and far.