Planetary Health Regional Hubs

Locally rooted, independently led communities of practice are working to advance Planetary Health within their local contexts around the world.

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The Power of Planetary Health Regional Hubs

Independently Led

Each Planetary Health Regional Hub is spearheaded by volunteers. These Planetary Health champions are based in the region and understand the regional context best.

Community Driven

Each Planetary Health Regional Hub is committed to being community driven. Hub priorities are determined by members of each Hub.

Regionally Focused

Each Planetary Health Regional Hub adapts to local contexts and needs, leading to slightly different structures and priorities tailored to their specific region.

Inter-Regional Collaboration

Planetary Health knows no borders, inspiring the Planetary Health Regional Hubs to work together to achieve common goals.


Why should I take part in a Planetary Health Regional Hub?
  • Ability to network and collaborate with other Planetary Health Champions in a specific region.
  • Access to a global network of Planetary Health Regional Hubs (including knowledge sharing, streamlined technologies, and shared metrics).
  • Knowing “who is doing what, where” around the world.
  • Regional representation in PHA and Planetary Health at-large.
  • Access to PHA’s online community for networking and collaboration: Hylo.
  • The ability to adapt & scale Planetary Health.
Which Hub do I join?

PHA generally refers to the regionalization methodology presented by the United Nations Statistics Division; however, we encourage all Regional Hub participants to self-identify into a Regional Hub at their own discretion based on geographic and cultural relevance. Planetary Health has no borders; the regionalization of countries is primarily for programmatic convenience and does not imply any opinion on the part of PHA concerning the legal status or legitimacy of any country, territory, city, community, or area, or concerning the borders, boundaries, governance, or sovereignty of such regions. We respect and value the self-identification of all individuals and organizations. As such, those who are deeply involved in multiple regions may join more than one hub.

How have the regions been decided?

The list of countries within each region has been modified from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regions in partnership with existing hubs and PHA Members. Please join as many regions as you identify with; for suggestions on which Hub to join by country, please view the relevant appendix of the Regional Hub Terms of Reference.

How do I connect with a Planetary Health Regional Hub?

Please view the individual pages for each of the Planetary Health Regional Hubs to learn more about each Hub and how to connect.

There is not a Hub for my Region, what do I do?

PHA has created member communities within Hylo for regions that are not yet represented by formally organized Regional Hubs to allow for conversations within those Regions. We hope in the future to have established Planetary Health Regional Hubs across every region. The development of future Regional Hubs will be based on the interest of organizations and individuals within the respective regions. If you are interested in establishing a Planetary Health Regional Hub, please reach out to PHA’s Partnership Coordinator.

What opportunities exist for coordinating with other Planetary Health Regional Hubs?
  • Every quarter, PHA hosts an InterRegional Hub meeting where Regional Hub leads come together to share updates, ideas, and collaborate.
  • The PHA Regional Hub Global group on Hylo is a place for all Regional Hub members to coordinate.
  • A Regional Hub workshop is held  at the Planetary Health Annual Meeting, where Regional Hub members come together for networking, collaboration, and exchange of lessons learned and future plans.
  • The Regional Hubs are open to cross-collaboration and will often invite members from other Regions to present or attend their internal Hub meetings.
What support does the PHA Global Secretariat Provide?
  • Designated staff member with rotating fellows to support Regional Hubs, answer questions, and help with cross-collaboration.
  • Amplification of Regional Hub activities through the PHA website, newsletter, and social media.
  • Diverse member organizations who engage with Regional Hubs and support Regional Hub activities.
  • Technical support to facilitate online programming as well as the individual Regional Hub webpages.