Yusuf Amuda Tajudeen     2023 PHCA       Tajudeen Yusuf...
Yusuf Amuda Tajudeen
2023 PHCA

Tajudeen Yusuf Amuda is a microbiologist from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, and a graduate student of Public Health in Field Epidemiology from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

As an early career researcher and an executive director and coordinator of scientific research at the Mentorship Research Network (MRN) of the “Africa Community of Planetary Partners for Health and Environment, Yusuf has a keen interest in tackling the public health threat attributed to zoonosis and arboviruses at the interface between human, animal, and the environment through research and advocacy.

He is a member of renowned societies including the Planetary Health Alliance (Washington, DC, US), the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (UK), the America Society for Microbiology (Washington DC, US), the NOVA Institute for Health of People, Places, and Planet (Baltimore, US). 

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